The extent to which we’re collaborating is dramatic and very much now normal. Our personal experiences, videos, photos, weight loss objectives, home projects or simple video chat – our everyday lives incorporate live interactions with almost any app of choice.

As always, the business world injects a little more complexity. Platform interoperability and control from legacy enterprise apps, system complexity, high costs and stringent network requirements provide businesses with this added challenge layer, yet organisational benefits are immense.

Engaging communication to personalise experiences and ensure distributed teams feel included, improved sales, faster decision making, access to expertise irrelevant of how dispersed they may be across your organisation, improved efficiency and work style flexibility are just a few of the prominent advantages at a business’s disposal…..and this is before we get into sector specific use cases delivering greater value to employees, students, patients and customers.

This interesting infographic from TitleMax shows how collaboration has bled into the homeworker market.

Many of the apps are used everyday in corporations with employees and teams desperately trying to keep on top of the pace of the workload.

Managing this and the data created is a huge responsibility for the IT department. Any opportunity they have to lock down usage and simplify the tools available is vital.

Cloud based communication solutions come with far more tools and apps than just a dial button and definitely help ease some of the spread of data. Well worth a look.

Might be worth sharing this with any teenagers you have in the house!!!!